Student Code Of Conduct
LTIS Student Code of Conduct - Student Version
As a student at Landing Trail Intermediate School:
- I will be responsible for my learning
- I will be respectful of others and myself
- I will help and serve others
- I will do my best to create a climate of respect
- I will work and play in a cooperative way
- I will behave in a safe way
- I will make the healthy (and right) choice
In the CLASSROOM I will:
- Listen quietly when the staff or another student is talking.
- Raise my hand and wait patiently when I want to speak.
- Not touch things that don't belong to me.
- Hand in my completed homework on time.
- Also do all of these things when I have a substitute teacher.
At RECESS I will:
- Play respectfully on the school grounds and when using school equipment, and take turns using the equipment.
- Always stay on the school grounds.
- Play safe games and not hurt anyone.
- Speak politely to the other children and follow the rules.
At LUNCH or SNACK time I will:
- Eat my food and will not play with it or throw it.
- Stay in my seat and ask for permission if I need to leave the room.
- Respect the different kinds of food others eat.
- Wait patiently and quietly in line when buying or waiting for a lunch.
- Talk in a quiet voice and do what the staff and volunteers ask of me.
On the BUS I will:
- Wait patiently to load on the bus
- Stay in my seat and keep my hands and feet out of the aisle
- Remain calm, use a quiet voice, and be patient while getting on and off the bus
Here are some ways I will know I am giving respect. I am:
- Being kind to others and am speaking in a calm voice.
- Using polite words like "thank you," "please," and "you're welcome".
- Cooperating with students and teachers.
- Being helpful and treating others the way I hope they will treat me.
Here are some ways I will know I am getting respect. Others are:
- Saying nice things, being kind and are including me.
- Speaking to me in a calm voice.
- Helping me when I need help.
- Quiet when we are doing work.
Here are some actions I can take at school when I am having problems with another
student. I can:
- Speak in a calm voice and talk to the student about the problem.
- Speak to the Conflict Management at recess if we can't solve the problem.
- Speak to the guidance counselor if we couldn't solve the problem with the Conflict Management Team.
Here are some actions I can take at school when I am being hurt, I see someone else being hurt, or I see property being destroyed. I can:
- Seek help from an adult such as my teacher, an aide, the guidance counselor or the principal.
- Seek help from another adult if I am still upset.
One or more of the following consequences may occur if I don't follow this code of conduct. I may:
- Receive a verbal (spoken) warning.
- Have a time out during recess.
- Be required to write about what I have done and what I could have done instead.
- Have privileges taken away.
- Have a note sent home to my parents/guardians to be signed and returned.
- Have to phone home in the presence of my teacher or the principal.
- Have my parents/guardians called into school for a meeting about my behaviour.
If my misbehaviour is very serious, one of the following consequences may occur. I may:
- Have detention during recess for one or more days.
- Be given an in-school suspension.
- Be given an out of school suspension.
- Be given an expulsion
N.B. A meeting with my parents may be required before I can return to class
Here are some examples of very serious misbehaviour:
- Defiance (deliberately not doing what is asked)
- Physically harming or harassing another student
- Foul (bad) or abusive (hurtful) language or gestures
- Insolence toward an adult (being disrespectful with your words or actions)
- Any form of bullying
- Vandalism (destroying of school or personal property)